You can read the articles by clicking on the links below:
Why today’s Executive Assistants need to get more strategic
Getting more strategic - for Executive Assistants
EAs are not admins!
Independence in the Executive Assistant role
There’s been a lot in the UK press in recent weeks about demise of the traditional PA/secretarial role. Adam Fidler’s followers will know that he has been advocating – for ten years (yes, as long as that!) – the importance of PAs and EAs up-skilling and developing new capabilities to future proof their careers.
As a result, we’ve been asked to re-share some of Adam’s perspectives on the EA role that have helped Assistants, the world over, understand how they need to think differently about the support they offer, and re-define their EA responsibilities.
Incidentally, when Adam Fidler used the word “strategic” in his best-selling EA programme back in 2016, he was the first PA educator to introduce the concept of PAs/EAs doing more value-adding and strategic activities. The first link above is to the very article that took the PA/EA training field by storm in April 2016, entitled “Why today’s EAs need to get more strategic”.
Says Adam: “I’m pleased to see that my emphasis on being more strategically involved is now more mainstream in PA courses, and it’s nice to think that you heard it from Adam Fidler Academy first! I hope you enjoy my best-read articles, which, in my view, continue to be a MUST read for every savvy Executive Assistant.”