Most courses are held in Manchester at the Adam Fidler Academy, though London courses run from time-to-time. You can see our course outlines under their respective 'Levels' below or scroll down and click on 'See all courses'.
For new and experienced PAs, our 1-day courses give you the strategies and tools you need to excel at what you do and be a more effective PA/EA. Includes minute-taking, project management, financial awareness and workload.
Our 2-day courses include our most popular programmes such as Level 3 Get Ahead as an Executive PA, and Level 4 The Strategic Executive Assistant. These comprehensive courses are designed for new and experienced PAs/EAs alike.
If you would like to study an accredited and formal qualification, then our Level 3 Award, Level 4 Certificate, Level 5 Diploma and Level 6 Diploma courses can be found here. These require more time-commitment than other courses.
Each course is given a Qualification Level next to the course title – eg ‘Level 3’. These levels, which are based on UK qualification levels, indicate the type of difficulty level for that course, ie Level 2 = GCSE; Level 3 = A-Level/BTEC Level 3 Award; Level 4 = HNC, Level 4 Award or equivalent; Level 5 = Second Year of an Honour’s degree; Level 6 = Full Degree. For further guidance, please contact us.
“A very big thank you for the two outstanding
days of the course… for the inspiration, learning
new skills and tools in a forever changing
business environment.”
Adam Fidler Academy is the co-creator of a unique new online learning programme designed specifically for Executive Assistants. In conjunction with Företagsuniversitetet, a top Swedish University, we now offer unrivalled learning and development for Executive Assistants through the Professional Master for Executive Assistants. This online learning platform allows you to study in your own time, at our own pace - and from your home.
This digital learning programme aims to future-proof your EA career. In video lectures, webinars, podcasts, editorials, interactive learning channels, assessments and assignments graded by Adam Fidler Academy you earn a tangible EA certificate alongside colleagues from all over the world.
For more information and to enrol, please see the programme website here: