New resources section!

New resources section!

“There’s far too much on social media about Executive Assistants ‘becoming’ Chiefs of Staff,” says Adam Fidler, “and, quite frankly, I don’t agree!”. For our perspectives on this, and other superb articles, see our new resources section here. This contains for now three essential articles every Executive Assistant should read!

Distinctions - all the way!

Distinctions - all the way!

Yes, we know it’s pretty hard to fit in a qualification and longer study programme when you have a full-time PA/EA role, and a busy home-life. However, our EA students do it! Just like Isabella Johnson-Davies, pictured here, after qualifying with our Level 4 EA Diploma, with dedication and pacing our your homework and studies, you, too, can achieve great things alongside your EA job. Isabella, as one example, received Distinctions in every single Unit at Level 3 and Level 4, after undertaking four Units at Level 4, and a massive eight Units at Level 3! Now, that was Isabella’s choice - you can qualify at Level 4 in as little as 6 days, or qualify at Level 3 in as little as 5 days. But, we’ll think you’ll love it here so much, you’ll want to do more learning with us - just like Isabella! Said Isabella on completion of her studies: “I can’t express how wonderful it’s been to study at Adam Fidler Academy. Yes, I had to attend classes in person and do some homework. But the knowledge and confidence I have gained, as well as getting an accredited EA qualification, has been instrumental in my EA career path. I can’t recommend the EA Diploma highly enough.”

TheCityUK EA Networking Dinner - 29 January 2025

TheCityUK EA Networking Dinner - 29 January 2025

What an event! Adam Fidler was delighted to be the guest speaker at the inaugural TheCityUK Executive Assistant Networking Dinner, held at the prestigious Bloomberg offices in the City of London on Wednesday 28 January 2025. With a talk about the evolving role of the EA role, the impact of artificial intelligence and the key skills needed for EAs of the future, Adam Fidler captivated an exclusive audience over dinner - and much conversation between courses! A huge thank you to TheCityUK, an industry-led body that represents UK financial and related services, for arranging such a brilliant event, and to Bloomberg for hosting us! Watch this space, as Adam Fidler Academy will be offering further educational support to TheCityUK members’ EAs and PAs!

Behind every boss is a great Assistant!

Behind every boss is a great Assistant!

Behind every boss is a great Assistant! You may have seen this post on our LinkedIn site (it’s had over 250 ‘likes’ already!) , and it shows Adam Fidler, with our Assistant (and social media whizz!), Kaitlin! As per the post, Adam wanted to thank Kaitlin for her hard work in 2024, and particularly through our hectic Autumn term. Said Adam: “It's such a false economy for bosses to think they can be 'self sufficient' - an Assistant taking care of all the operational aspects of a business provides the headspace and leadership time needed for a boss to be effective with their time! So, thank you, Kaitlin, for your positive demeanour, humility and for tempering some of our very busy days!”

New Year - New Courses!

New Year - New Courses!

Are you wondering where your EA career will take you in 2025? Well, we have the answers! Why not consider one of our new courses, which are designed to maximise your value as an Assistant. Whether you’re a PA, EA or Administrator, we know our tailored programmes will have impact on your skill-set, your mind, and your learning agility! For 2025, here’s a quick reminder of those new courses we’re offering:

  • Level 6 Diploma in Business Management - degree equivalent

  • Revised Level 3 Award in Professional PA, EA and Admin Skills - just 5 days’ learning to gain a formal and accredited qualification

  • Revised Level 4 Certificate in Business and Admin Management - just 6 days’ learning to gain a HNC-equivalent qualification in business studies

  • Level 3 Introduction to Legal and Governance - our brand new 1-day course for EAs and PAs, for a fundamental understanding of corporate governance and legal frameworks

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

As we break up for Christmas, Adam Fidler Academy would like to say a huge thank you to all our students, clients and supporters for a great 2024! We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas - and best wishes for the New Year ahead. We’re back on the 6 January 2025 - so, we’ll see many more EAs and PAs then!

Hays PA/EA Networking Event - 1 November 2024

Hays PA/EA Networking Event - 1 November 2024

Adam Fidler was delighted to be the guest speaker at the Hays EA/PA Networking Event, at Hays Manchester, on Friday 1 November 2024. With over 65 PAs and EAs present, Adam’s talk on ‘The Strategic Executive Assistant - not just a PA!’ went down a storm. With key strategies and tips on how to take an EA’s role further, by adding wider value, and defining the true role of the EA - away from staid and traditional forms of PA support - those who attended were left feeling enthused and energised. Adam Fidler Academy works exclusively with Hays, as their recruitment partner, and this is just one of a number of events held throughout the year. Watch this space! In 2025, Adam will be repeating this event with Hays London (date to be announced).

Level 6 Diploma in Business Management - Degree-Equivalent

Level 6 Diploma in Business Management - Degree-Equivalent

We’re delighted to launch our eagerly-awaited Level 6 Diploma in Business Management! This degree-equivalent qualification is designed specifically for EAs and PAs who would like to obtain an advanced qualification in business management, but who don’t have the time to commit to a full degree or attend University. Starting in the Spring of 2025, you can see more and the full brochure here.

Learning and Collaboration Day - 11 October 2024

Learning and Collaboration Day - 11 October 2024

We’re delighted to announce the details of our informal Learning and Collaboration Day, which will take place this year on Friday 11 October 2024, from 10:00-16:00 hrs. The event, which is open to Alumni, students and non-students alike, will be held in-house at our Academy and includes some superb new content. It’s also a great way to sample our Academy experience if you’ve never studied with us before. For more details and to book, please click here.

Student Awards 2024

Student Awards 2024

As well as our students receiving their formal qualifications at our Graduation Ceremony on 18 July 2024, some of them received additional Awards for their brilliance! Pictured left to right is: Mandy Nash (EA to CEO at Nedbank Private Wealth) who won Student of the Year 2024; Maria Darnell (EA to UK Chair, Arup) who won Award for Perseverance; and Melissa Dunn (Learning and Development Business Partner, IMI Plc) who won Award for Aspiration. I’m sure you will agree, our Awards, which are based on academic studies and professional excellence, are worth shouting about. Well done to Mandy, Maria and Melissa for standing out even further, amongst all our superb EAs!

You're not an EA until you've done one of our Level 4 programmes!

You're not an EA until you've done one of our Level 4 programmes!

We know what makes a good Executive Assistant! And, we know that until you’ve done one of our Level 4 programmes, such as The Strategic Executive Assistant, or our Level 4 Certificate in Business and Administrative Management, you don’t really quite get the ‘true’ EA role. So, why not join us this Autumn for unrivalled learning, based on defining what the EA role really is (and isn’t!) and take your EA career from good to outstanding! Says Adam Fidler: “So many EAs are good at their jobs - but to be the very best, it requires a new mindset, new way of thinking about the EA job, and new behaviours. We call this the Managerial Mindset, and all our students are encouraged to adopt this!” Our graduates speak for themselves. Why not be one of them?

Graduation Ceremony 2024

Graduation Ceremony 2024

The Adam Fidler Academy Graduation Ceremony took place on Thursday 18 July 2024, at the Abode Hotel, Manchester. The event saw forty EAs and PAs graduate in caps and gowns, and be awarded with their formal qualifications in the following: SFJ Awards Level 3 Award in Professional PA Skills; SFJ Awards Level 4 Certificate in Office and Administrative Management; and the SFJ Awards Level 5 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management. After the event, graduates and their guests had dinner, plenty of networking and lots of celebrating! We’re so proud of our graduates - well done to them all! The event was also featured in PA Life Magazine. You can read the article here.

EAs need to understand Corporate Governance

EAs need to understand Corporate Governance

What do you know about corporate governance? Do you understand how a Board of Directors works? Why is governance important? These are key questions a client asked us to address with their EAs, who all supported Board Members. We had to agree: EAs today need a basic awareness of corporate accountability, the workings of a board and governance processes and procedures. If you’d like to learn more about corporate governance, then our 1-day seminar, Introduction to Corporate Governance, is running on the 26 July 2024 and the 13 September 2024. For details, please contact us. It’s another course in the essential tool-kit of EAs!

Why AI will never oust the EA - London evening event (19 June 2024)

Why AI will never oust the EA - London evening event (19 June 2024)

Our London networking event on the 19 June 2024 was a huge success! The event, entitled ‘Why AI will never oust the EA’ was based on Adam Fidler’s most recent article by the same name, and saw over 40 EAs and PAs mingle over champagne and buffet, before listening to a short talk by Adam Fidler. We were also delighted to hear a brief introduction by the Chairman of SSE Plc, John Manzoni, who shared his views on the importance of the EA role. At the end, all delegates were presented with the latest AFA-branded tote bags, which say “Forget AI, I’m an EA!” on them! A fitting gift… we hope you agree! A big thank you goes to SSE Plc for hosting us at their London offices, and to Leigh Thomson-Persaud, PA to Chairman at SSE Plc, for her support in arranging this wonderful event. The next London networking event is to be announced - so watch out for updates on our events page.

The Role of the Strategic EA and PA - Hays PA/EA breakfast event (23 April 2024)

The Role of the Strategic EA and PA - Hays PA/EA breakfast event (23 April 2024)

Adam Fidler was thrilled to be the guest speaker at the recent Hays EA/PA Breakfast Event on Tuesday 23 April 2024, with a topic entitled ‘The Role of the Strategic EA and PA’. The event was held at Nottingham Trent University (Newton Building) and saw a turn out of nearly 70 PAs and EAs come together to understand how they can future-proof their role.

Course dates 2024!

Course dates 2024!

Join the thousands of EAs and PAs who have trained and educated with us! You, too, can improve your skills, competencies and confidence - and create that EA career path you been dreaming of! For a list of all our course dates, click here.

Why AI will never oust the Executive Assistant - article and event (19 June 2024)

Why AI will never oust the Executive Assistant - article and event (19 June 2024)

There’s far too much talk about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence! How will it affect business support roles, such as PAs and EAs? In his latest thought-piece, Adam Fidler talks about why EAs - and their leaders - will never be replaced by AI… but only if they hone the right skills. You can read the article here - and it’s one not to be missed! In addition, Adam Fidler and his Alumni will be hosting an exclusive networking event on the 19 June 2024 in central London on the same topic. You can book a ticket to attend here.

The Susie Barron-Stubley Memorial Scholarship

The Susie Barron-Stubley Memorial Scholarship

Adam Fidler Academy is delighted to partner with the Executive and Personal Assistants Association (EPAA) to create the The Susie Barron-Stubley Memorial Scholarship Fund. Many EAs and PAs, the world over, will remember Susie Barron-Stubley (pictured above with Adam Fidler in October 2014), a world-class EA/PA Trainer, who, sadly, passed away in 2015 - and is very much missed by the profession. To mark her memory, and legacy, The Scholarship will offer two places on our Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate programmes, with all course fees paid for. You can learn more about The Scholarship here, and how to apply. Applications close at the end of May 2024, and we look forward to welcoming two very lucky people to our Academy, courtesy of EPAA and The Scholarship Fund.

The Strategic Executive Assistant in Barcelona: 6-7 June 2024!

The Strategic Executive Assistant in Barcelona: 6-7 June 2024!

We’re delighted to announce that The Strategic Executive Assistant is coming to Barcelona on the 6-7 June 2024! In this very special series, over two days, Adam Fidler will lead his unrivalled programme, with an option to attend one or two days, in the glorious location of Barcelona! For more details, and to see the brochure, please email us. You can attend Module 1 - Advanced Management, and/or Module 2 - Executive Excellence. We look forward to seeing you in the sunshine!

Formal training for EAs: professional status and qualifications

Formal training for EAs: professional status and qualifications

Adam Fidler’s article entitled ‘Formal training for PAs and EAs: professional status and qualifications’ is featured in the latest edition of PA Life Magazine. Many of our students, and client organisations, get confused about the various options available when selecting a formal training programme; here is some good advice! And, you can read the article here.