Our stand-alone, popular courses

Our stand-alone, popular courses

If you’re not looking to undertake a qualification programme with us, then you can attend a number of our courses as stand-alone Units, and that’s the best way to get a taster of what we do. You could then uplift to a full qualification programme, if you so wish. You might be interested in attending one of our most popular programmes, such as:

  • Level 3 Finance for EAs and Administrative Managers (2 days)

  • Level 3 Executive Presence and Partnering (2 days)

  • Level 3 Project Management (1 day)

  • Level 4 The Strategic Executive Assistant (2 days)

For more details, see the courses page, or email us here. We have a number of options available, online and in person, so you can fit your attendance around your full-time job.

Foundation Degree for EAs and Business Support Professionals

Foundation Degree for EAs and Business Support Professionals

We’re delighted to formalise our foundation degree programme for Executive Assistants and Business Support Professionals, with our new and flexible learning package. We know that in London, for example, 70% of those in the job market have degrees - little wonder, then, that more and more business support staff are seeing the requirement to obtain a degree. Our flexible programme means you can qualify with a foundation degree over 2-3 years, studying alongside your job. In Year 1, you’ll study Level 4 Units - Management Skills, Effective Office Management, The Role of the Strategic EA, and Commercial and Strategic Awareness; in Years 2-3 you’ll study Level 5 Units - including Operations Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics, Leadership and Management, and Project Management. In total, you’ll attend classes for just 6 days in Year 1, and up to 12 days in Years 2 and 3. You can even tailor your programme to study more slowly or work faster - that’s up to you. You’ll also find our course fees considerably better value than going to University. Why not consider a foundation degree and improve your earning potential and job opportunities? Email us at tracy@adamfidler.academy for more details.

What our students say about us!

What our students say about us!

We have scores of testimonials from current and former students, articulating their learning experience with us. Here’s just one of them, from a Level 3 qualification student, who has just qualified:

“Thank you for all your help and support throughout the last twelve months, I have enjoyed every minute and look forward to seeing you again in December for the project management course. I have learnt so much from the course content, met some super inspirational people, in a wonderful, professional environment! In addition to all of that, I had the most splendid tutor, for whom I have a lot of admiration and respect.” — AM, gained Level 3 Award in Professional PA Skills qualification, September 2021

They've qualified!

They've qualified!

Here are just a few of our students who have qualified this summer - and congratulations to them all! From left to right: Jan Fife (Level 4 Certificate in Office/Admin Management); Lisa Mullen-Davies (Level 4 Certificate in Office/Admin Management); Di Berry (Level 4 Executive Assistant Diploma); Charlene McKenna (Level 4 Certificate in Office/Admin Management); and, Justine Jack (Level 4 Certificate in Office/Admin Management). What an achievement! More and more EAs are seeing the value and importance of them gaining a professional qualification!

End of the academic year

End of the academic year

Thank you for a great year! As we approach the end of this academic year, we’d like to say a huge thank you to all our students, staff and partners - who have supported us over the 2020-21 year! Naturally, it’s been a challenging year, but we’ve managed to keep going online and face-to-face! A special thanks to all the students who have attended classes face-to-face throughout the pandemic, and who made the effort to attend rather than join us online! The montage above shows just a few of you who made it to Manchester, from far and wide (travel restrictions permitting). We look forward to seeing more of you again this Autumn.

Essential reading for all Executive Assistants

Essential reading for all Executive Assistants

You can read the articles by clicking on the links below:

Why today’s Executive Assistants need to get more strategic
Getting more strategic - for Executive Assistants
EAs are not admins!
Independence in the Executive Assistant role

There’s been a lot in the UK press in recent weeks about demise of the traditional PA/secretarial role.  Adam Fidler’s followers will know that he has been advocating – for ten years (yes, as long as that!) – the importance of PAs and EAs up-skilling and developing new capabilities to future proof their careers. 

As a result, we’ve been asked to re-share some of Adam’s perspectives on the EA role that have helped Assistants, the world over, understand how they need to think differently about the support they offer, and re-define their EA responsibilities. 

Incidentally, when Adam Fidler used the word “strategic” in his best-selling EA programme back in 2016, he was the first PA educator to introduce the concept of PAs/EAs doing more value-adding and strategic activities. The first link above is to the very article that took the PA/EA training field by storm in April 2016, entitled “Why today’s EAs need to get more strategic”.  

Says Adam: “I’m pleased to see that my emphasis on being more strategically involved is now more mainstream in PA courses, and it’s nice to think that you heard it from Adam Fidler Academy first! I hope you enjoy my best-read articles, which, in my view, continue to be a MUST read for every savvy Executive Assistant.”

New units added to our Advanced Executive Assistant Diploma

New units added to our Advanced Executive Assistant Diploma

Our unrivalled Executive Assistant Diploma continues to provide the most comprehensive qualification for Executive Assistants, and we’ve added two brand new Units for this Autumn. Knowing which skills and capabilities EAs need grasp for their roles, we’re delighted to add Level 3 Project Management and Level 3 Executive Presence and Partnering to the Units available. Both are formal Level 3 Units in their own right, and can be studied as part of the full EA Diploma or as stand-alone Units. For more details, click here then select Level 3 and scroll down to see the course outlines.

Study Networking Groups

Study Networking Groups

What’s the hardest thing about doing a formal qualification, according to a student? Naturally, it’s doing the assignments! But, without formal assessment, such as an assignment, it wouldn’t warrant being called a qualification. To help our Level 3, Level 4 and lLevel 5 learners, we have now formalised our Study Networking Groups to support our learners even further to keep on top of their assignments and homework. Aside from that, these sessions will be a great way to network with other learners and swap notes! Says Adam Fidler: “Our priority is ensuring that the EAs and PAs that choose to study with us qualify, and the Study Networking Groups allow collaboration outside the classroom.” We hope that our current students will take the opportunity to drop in and learn from each other.

Obtain a professional qualification!  We’re enrolling now for September 2021

Obtain a professional qualification! We’re enrolling now for September 2021

If you’ve been thinking about obtaining a professional Executive Assistant qualification, then why not start with us in September - or even July? We have a number of part-Government funded places available for our Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications. More and more EAs are seeing the need to be qualified and you can be one of them! For more details, and to see if you meet the criteria, please drop us a line at: tracy@adamfidler.academy

Do you want to become a Transformational Executive Assistant? Global Summit full agenda now available!

Do you want to become a Transformational Executive Assistant? Global Summit full agenda now available!

If you want to become truly transformational in your approach to being an Executive Assistant, then look no further than attending Adam Fidler’s Global Summit on 25 May 2021, sponsored by Hays plc! To learn more about the content, and topics which Adam will be covering, see our latest promotional video here. We hope you enjoy it! To book, and to see the event website, click here. You can also request to see the full programme agenda by contacting us at info@adamfidlerglobal.com

Happy Administrative Professionals' Day 2021!

Happy Administrative Professionals' Day 2021!

Today, Wednesday 21 April 2021, is Administrative Professionals’ Day 2021, and we’d like to wish all the EAs, PAs and Administrators out there many happy returns for today, and recognise the valuable contribution they make to the commercial world. We’re not sure about you, but we think that PAs and EAs are the backbone to a business - and business life would be much harder without support staff, in the background, keeping things running in the absence of those they support.

Adam Fidler's Global Summit 2021

Adam Fidler's Global Summit 2021

Are you ready to become a Transformational Executive Assistant? Never heard Adam Fidler speak before? Then you’re in for a treat! Adam Fidler’s Global Summit is a brand new virtual event for 2021, where Adam will be sharing the latest, most up-to-date perspectives on the role of the Executive Assistant! With brand new content, the event will run “live” and is a must-attend event for all EAs, PAs and Business Managers! For more details, see: www.adamfidlerglobal.com

Hays EA/PA Salary and Recruiting Trends 2021

Hays EA/PA Salary and Recruiting Trends 2021

Adam Fidler Academy was delighted to write the EA/PA industry-specific commentary in this year’s Hays Salary and Recruiting Trends 2021 report, which is available to download now. The report, which summarises the findings of 6,000 EAs/PAs surveyed in the UK was launched at a Hays webinar on Wednesday 24 February 2021, where Adam Fidler was the guest speaker. With over 200 EAs/PAs in attendance, via Zoom, Adam gave his tips and perspectives on how EAs need to upskill if they are to survive the long-game, and transition their roles out of lockdown. To see request a copy of the report, please click here.

We re-open our doors on 8 March!

We re-open our doors on 8 March!

In line with the UK Government’s latest advice for schools and colleges, we are elated to be opening our doors, for face-to-face classes, on the 8 March 2021! Naturally, we will be adhering to all guidelines, including smaller class sizes and social distancing measures. We look forward to seeing students in person. You’ll never beat classroom“talk and chalk” and we know that our students are as keen to get out of the house, and off Zoom, as much as we are!

Why I cringe when I see words such as 'rock star'.... writes Adam Fidler

Why I cringe when I see words such as 'rock star'.... writes Adam Fidler

There are many unhelpful phrases being used to describe and articulate the role of the professional Executive Assistant. In his latest piece of thought-leadership, Adam Fidler explains why certain words demean the role of EA, rather than enhancing it. You can read the full article on LinkedIn here.

Executive Assistants are Managers

Executive Assistants are Managers

People often ask, “What’s the difference between studying at Adam Fidler Academy, or elsewhere?” Simply, we say that we treat all our EA students as Managers - because that’s what they are. So, from the moment you enrol or walk in the door, we see you as a Manager, and treat you that way. More importantly, we ensure that your learning and education is no different to being on a management course. That’s our promise to you - be a manager, act like a manager and learn like a manager!

In-house EA Development Programmes

In-house EA Development Programmes

We’re delighted to have delivered a number of in-house EA development programmes for our client organisations, where scores of EAs have benefited from the perspectives and practical learning of Adam Fidler. Just recently, the City of Wolverhampton Council commissioned us to train 17 of their EAs with a bespoke programme, over several months - with a number of days’ training for all their EAs to attend. The final session culminated in the EAs giving superb presentations to their Line Managers about the impact of the programme. “Presentations?” I hear you say! Yes, what an achievement - sharing learning with peers and managers to prove the value and worth of the EA role! We like to push the boundaries here. Other clients who have received the Adam Fidler Academy treatment with a bespoke in-house programme include: Arup (with over 150 PAs trained); Co-op (50 PAs trained); and West Midlands Combined Authority (25 EAs trained). Who says organisations don’t support their EAs? Our clients do! All programmes are certificated and map to Level 3 and Level 4 industry standards.

Part-funded Level 3 and Level 4 courses for 2021

Part-funded Level 3 and Level 4 courses for 2021

We’re delighted to announce that we have a number of part-funded courses, at Level 3 and Level 4, available in 2021. This means learners who are self-funding or eligible due to their previous education attainment, can receive exceptional value for money with some of our most popular programmes, such as Level 3 Get Ahead as an Executive PA, Level 4 The Strategic Executive Assistant - as well as our qualification programmes. Terms and conditions apply - but to learn more, please email us at: tracy@adamfidler.academy

Course dates for 2021 announced

Course dates for 2021 announced

We are delighted to announce our course dates for 2021, including the popular public courses, ‘Level 3 Get Ahead as an Executive PA’ and ‘Level 4 The Strategic Executive Assistant’. To see the full list of our programme dates for January to July 2021, click here. We also have some exciting new events listed for 2021, such as our EA online masterclass series, with Adam Fidler, which starts on 27 January 2021.

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Our students were celebrating on Friday 11 December during lunch-time with our Christmas fuddle, to mark the end of term and our last qualification group before the Christmas break. With champagne, chocolates and a cake (or two!) brought in our students, we raised our glasses to 2021, and hoped it would be a better year! Thank you to all our talented EA students who have continued to attend classes, face-to-face, in 2020, even during lockdown…. yes, we were allowed to open and have successfully been seeing students in person since the end of June 2020. Here’s to 2021!