EA Newsletter - Volume Two

EA Newsletter - Volume Two

Volume Two of our Executive Assistant Newsletter is out now! Containing the best EA advice, guidance and perspectives, including ‘The role of the Executive Assistant’ and ‘The Four Pillars of EA Success’, it’s a must-read for every professional EA. To order your paper copy or digital download, please click here.

NEW! Level 5 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management

NEW! Level 5 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management

We’re delighted to launch a brand new qualification programme - the IQ IAM Level 5 Diploma in Office and Administrative Management. This programme is our most advanced qualification and is designed for business support professionals who want to take their senior management skills to a higher-level. The programme, at Level 5, is equivalent to the second year of a degree and covers topics such as: leadership and management; project management; business ethics and corporate social responsibility; innovation and entrepreneurship. For more details, see initially our Level 5 course page here, or contact us for a full course outline. Start dates will be June 2020.

Hays Birmingham PA and EA Networking Evening - 16 March 2020

Hays Birmingham PA and EA Networking Evening - 16 March 2020

If’ve never seen Adam Fidler speak about the EA role before, and you’re looking for some inspiration, and the ability to network with like-minded individuals, then Adam will be talking about ‘The Executive Assistant Manifesto: What I Am’ at the Institute of Administrative Management (IAM) event, in conjunction with Hays Birmingham on 16 March 2020, from 5:30 pm. For details and to book, click here.

Hays London PA and EA Networking Evening - 23 January 2020

Hays London PA and EA Networking Evening - 23 January 2020

What a turn out! With 100 PAs present, Adam Fidler took the floor at at the Hays EA and PA Networking Event held in London on the 23 January 2020. His talk related to his recent commentary in the Hays What Workers Want Report, which looked at the impact of IT and automation on the EA role. Delegates were treated to a glass of champagne, and heard Adam speak about the three levels of EA Capability that all EAs must learn to safeguard their roles, what employers are looking for in the new EA role, and why EAs and PAs must set stretching goals. Commented Adam: “It was great to be in London, and to see such an open-minded group of PAs, who clearly take their development very seriously.. We are also proud to partner with Hays PLC, whose philosophies and views of the key changes happening in the EA role align precisely to the high-level content we teach all our ambitious students.” If you missed this event, Adam is running a similar event for Hays Birmingham, in partnership with IAM, on 16 March 2020.

Our new events for 2020!

Our new events for 2020!

Can’t attend a full two-day training course, or commit to a longer study programme? Then fear not! We’ve announced our new events for 2020, which includes our bite-sized learning evenings, held after work, along with our annual training day and alumni event! For more details, and to register your attendance, please see our events page.

Hays' What Workers Want 2019 report

Hays' What Workers Want 2019 report

Adam Fidler Academy is delighted to be featured in the Hays 2019 ‘What Workers Want: Mindset Key For Digital Change’ report, where Executive and Personal Assistants receive their very own special supplement. The report, commissioned and produced by Hays PLC, the UK’s leading recruitment firm, is based on a survey of over 14,000 employees and focuses on the impact of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and robots on the role of the EA or PA. Adam Fidler, who’s unrivalled perspectives on the future of the EA role, gives strong messages about how technology will impact the role of the EA. Says Adam: “AI will never oust the EA, but only if EAs learn new capabilities.” We’d recommend every EA reads the report and then shares the contents with their teams. To obtain a copy, then use the link here.

Our tremendous students from 2019!

Our tremendous students from 2019!

As we break up for Christmas and we get near to the end of 2019, it’s always important to reflect on, and thank, our tremendous students from 2019! Whether our students have studied on a two-day programme, or undertaken a longer qualification programme with us, they learning agility, enthusiasm and professional approach to their role, is our inspiration! So, we thank everyone who’s been on a class list in 2019, for choosing Adam Fidler Academy to support their growth as a professional PA or EA. The image above shows just a selection of you - and we look forward to seeing more of you in 2020!

Building EA capabilities in Bristol!

Building EA capabilities in Bristol!

Bristol PAs and EAs were invited to attend two key self-development events this week, in Bristol [Wednesday 27 November 2019]. Firstly, Adam Fidler (pictured with The Bristol PA Network) was guest speaker at a round-table luncheon, arranged by Debs Eden, Founder of The Bristol PA Network. Amongst a delicious three course meal at The Bristol Hotel, discussion focussed on being assertive, developing capabilities and the managerial mindset. Debs Eden, Senior EA and Founder of The Bristol Network commented: “Everyone loved the format, which we’ve used before for our evening events, but a round-table at lunch was new to us - but ideal, as it provided formal networking with specific discussion about the role. As ever, Adam’s insights were invaluable!” Secondly, Adam Fidler then headed off to a Hays PA and EA Event, held at The Engine Room in Bristol, which was attended by over 30 PAs. Feedback on this event, was also excellent, as Adam gave one of his inspiring presentations that focussed mainly on the impact of AI on the EA role. The Hays event was arranged by Lauren Gardener, Managing Consultant at Hays, and was aligned to Adam Fidler’s recent commentary in the latest Hays ‘What Workers Want Report’. “A big thank you to Hays and The Bristol PA Network for inviting me to speak to their PA audiences, who were receptive to the development needs, and challenges, they face in their roles,” said Adam, following both events. Adam Fidler Academy will be back in Bristol in 2020, in partnership with The Bristol PA Network, so do watch this space!

EPAA Annual Conference - 15 November 2019

EPAA Annual Conference - 15 November 2019

Adam Fidler was delighted to speak at the annual conference of Executive and Personal Assistants Assocation (EPAA) on Thursday 15 November 2019 in London. The conference, attended by over 100 PAs and EAs, hosted a range of speakers, including The Rt Hon Lord Blunkett, who Adam Fidler shared a Q&A session with at end of the conference. Lord Blunkett, who admitted he actually started out as a secretary in his career, learning shorthand and typing (the same can be said for Adam Fidler), is a great advocate of the importance and value of the PA and EA. Lord Blunkett shared many examples of where he has seen how inoperative Executives can be without the right Executive Support. Adam Fidler’s talk beforehand, which focussed on new EA capabilities, dovetailed precisely into the speech that followed by Lord Blunkett. “What an honour and privilege to share the stage with David Blankett,” commented Adam. I think you’ll also agree! Huge thanks, as ever, go to Victoria Darragh, Founder of EPAA, for her insight and commitment to the profession and for arranging, yet again, a brilliant line up of content pertinent to the modern EA. [The image above shows Lord Blunkett, alongside Adam Fidler.]

Manchester PA Awards 2019

Manchester PA Awards 2019

This year’s Manchester PA Awards, held on Wednesday 6 November 2019 at Emirates Old Trafford The Point, was night to remember! Adam Fidler Academy sponsored the ‘Rising Star Award’ - which was actually won by one of our very own students, Hannah Valentine! Hannah, currently studying her Level 3 Award in Professional PA Skills, is a full-time PA at Citation, and is shown in the image just after receiving her award on stage, with Adam Fidler and Gethin Jones, the evening’s host. Said Adam: “It’s wonderful to see the award go to one of our own students, and congratulations to Hannah for her commitment to her profession.” The award going to Hannah was a total surprise to us, as Adam Fidler Academy, unlike previous years, was not involved in the judging process this year. Truly deserved then, by Hannah, and we wish her continued success! Hannah will complete her studies with us by December this year.

Coming soon!  The online Executive Assistant Master Programme!

Coming soon! The online Executive Assistant Master Programme!

We’re delighted to announce that, coming soon, will be a brand new online Executive Assistant Master Programme. The co-creators of this advanced and innovative online programme - designed for Executive Assistants - is Företagsuniversitetet AB (based in Sweden) and Adam Fidler Academy. Featuring the world’s most knowledgable trainers and speakers, the seminar contains many units from Adam Fidler’s The Strategic Executive Assistant course, and is sure to be the most prestigious and advanced programme ever put together for Executive Assistants. Details will be announced soon - so watch this space! The image shows Adam Fidler after a day’s filming in Sweden, with Stefan Haglund and Daniel Kjellsson of Företagsuniversitetet AB, along with Inga Ramsten, Media Consultant who directed the filming.

Training Day - 11 October 2019

Training Day - 11 October 2019

Boy, were our students well looked after! Our annual training day held onFriday 11 October 2019 took place in the exclusive Chairman's Club at the Etihad Stadium. Not only the home of the premier league champions, Manchester City, but a fitting venue for the premier league of EAs! The feedback from those who attended has been tremendous. As well as learning the four energies of leadership, developing managerial capabilities and how to have a career conversation, our students had an a-la-carte two course lunch, and an exclusive tour of the Etihad Stadium. The image shows just a few of our students on the tour!

Being Executive as an EA

Being Executive as an EA

Oftentimes, I'll ask a group of Executive PAs and EAs, "Why do you have the word 'Executive' in your job title?" And, the most common answer is, "Well, I support an Executive." I then say, "No, that's not the real reason. The real reason you have the word 'Executive' in your title as an EA is that you need to operate with Executive qualities and be 'Executive'!" Being 'Executive' doesn't just apply to the bosses! Here at Adam Fidler Academy, we believe every EA has the ability to stretch their Executive capabilities and behaviours, and that's why our courses give EAs and PAs the aspiration to develop as a manager, and not just an 'Assistant'. Says Adam Fidler: “As a corporate EA of 20 years, I was proud to be 'Executive' in the way I worked, behaved and dressed.” What does being ‘Executive’ mean to you? You may want to ponder on that and ask yourself, “How, as an EA, can I be more Executive in the way I work and come across to others?”

Evening events - Autumn 2019

Evening events - Autumn 2019

Can’t attend a full day’s training? Then why not come along to one of our bite-sized learning events held after work at our Academy in Manchester? For the latest hot topics and learnings for any career savvy EA or PA, click here to see our events page.

Three levels of 'skill' all EAs must learn

Three levels of 'skill' all EAs must learn

Adam Fidler was delighted to speak at the Hays Glasgow PA and EA Networking Evening on Thursday 1 August 2019, to an audience of over 55 PAs. The main topic for the evening was how EAs and PAs can future-proof their careers by learning, and sticking to, the three key skills of EAs. “What are they?” we hear you ask! Well, those three key skills form the basis of all our courses and offerings at Adam Fidler Academy and to learn more, check out our courses and qualification programmes!

School's out for summer!

School's out for summer!

Just a moment of reflection to thank our wonderful students over the last academic year, that have trained and studied with us - either on 2-day courses, or full qualification programmes. It has been a pleasure to see so many of you flourish, and we look forward to seeing some of you again in September. In the meantime, enjoy the summer!

Alumni Event - 09.07.19

Alumni Event - 09.07.19

It was a delight to see so many of our students - and a few clients! - at the Adam Fidler Academy Alumni event, held at The Abode Hotel in Manchester on Tuesday 9 July 2019. After a short speech by Adam Fidler, guests networked over champagne and food and shared their success in undertaking their formal qualifications. Thank you to all those who attended, especially our students from out of area. We attract so many students outside the North of England, and that really is testimony to our unrivalled EA learning programmes and the experience we offer.

Graduate EA Programme - new for 2020

Graduate EA Programme - new for 2020

Our new Graduate EA programme is designed as a 12 week intensive course. Ideal for recent graduates who are looking to get a step up to becoming a PA, EA or Business Manager. You can find out more here, and register your interest for a January 2020 intake.

The Strategic EA in Scotland - 20.09.19

The Strategic EA in Scotland - 20.09.19

By popular demand, and in conjunction with The Scottish PA Network, we’re holding a special one-day The Strategic Executive Assistant course in Edinburgh on Friday 20 September 2019. So, if you fancy a new job description and the ability to redefine your EA role for promotion or enhanced credibility, then this is the day for you! For more details click here. Places are limited to just 15, so book early to avoid disappointment!

An EA by any other name...

An EA by any other name...

This week in June we were delighted to have a full-house on our Level 3 Get Ahead as an Executive PA programme in Manchester, with our wonderful delegates above! Interestingly, on this course we always debate the ‘correct’ job title… PA, EA, Executive PA? You may ask! Generally, all our students are called PAs or even Executive PAs but our advice is they should work towards the title Executive Assistant, and beyond that Business Support Manager, which is more fitting of their modern approach and actual role. And, for those who aren’t sure - yes, there is a difference between PA, EA and Business Support Manager. Adam Fidler Academy make sure of that!